There is plenty of good, helpful information on other sites but everything there needs to be looked at closely and evaluated thoroughly for the possibility of harmful downloads. Choose only links when selecting Media Creation Tools or, for that matter, technical data or help pages. The best way to find available Media Creation Tools is to search Bing for “Media Creation Tool” along with the official version identifier which Microsoft has announced (for best results).

Be prepared and backup, backup, backup obsessively before doing a downgrade.

They can also downgrade a system to an earlier version as well but you should be aware you will probably lose some or all of your (non-cloud) data along with your installed programs and their settings when downgrading. Please also note that Media Creation Tools are available for all supported versions of Windows 10 at any particular time and can be used to upgrade to the next version or several versions ahead if you’ve held off on upgrading. The ones that result from a Media Creation Tool are less bloated but still perform the task properly. Those ISO’s are larger than a standard single-layer DVD can hold and must be cut to a dual-layer DVD. These files can also provide the ability to create USB drives for the same purpose and also can directly allow users to install new versions onto their properly working systems without any intermediate steps (cutting an ISO to disc or creating a finished USB drive.) Another perk is that ISO files from a Media Creation Tool are significantly smaller than those which can be gotten upon release from Microsoft. The most efficient way to access official ISO files is through the official Media Creation Tools which Microsoft hosts.