If you are not sure, Message the Moderator(s) - We will let you know if it is safe to post. (At the time of writing, doesn't exist, but even if it did, it probably wouldn't be safe - the name is very click bait style.)ġd. An example of a non-reputable website would be (Multiple reputable sites can vouch for them directly, plus I have worked with them.)ġc. An example of a reputable website would be Websites that are not reputable are not okay.ġb.

While we prefer helping with Windows Drivers (Since most of us Use Windows), we will allow requests for Drivers on other Operating systems. Post here requests for hard to find drivers and share your tips about how to use software to get the best performance from computing equipment. Put simply, a driver lets your computer 'speak' to a piece of hardware - installing the correct drivers is essential to get the best performance from the equipment.

If your not getting a response, Message Me! I can probably help!